~/about $ whoami


$ whoami


$ cat /etc/passwd | grep keith

keith:x:1000:1000:Keith Rosario:/home/keith:/bin/bash

$ ls -la ~/skills/

  • network_pentest.sh
  • wireless_pentest.sh
  • webapp_pentest.sh
  • malware_dev.c
  • malware_analysis.py
  • reverse_engineering.asm
  • exploit_dev.py

$ ls -la ~/languages/

  • python.py
  • c_cpp.c
  • java.java
  • bash.sh
  • lua.lua

$ uname -a

Linux kali 6.12.xx-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Kali 6.12.xx-1kali1 (2025) x86_64 GNU/Linux

$ cat ~/about.txt

Cybersecurity specialist with expertise in penetration testing, malware dev/analysis, and exploit development. Computer Science student with SANS certification in cybersecurity, earned through the CyberStart scholarship program. Passionate about securing systems, finding vulnerabilities, and developing innovative security solutions.


Keith Rosario

Keith Rosario

Cybersecurity specialist with expertise in penetration testing, malware dev/analysis, and exploit development.

Computer Science student with SANS certification in cybersecurity, earned through the CyberStart scholarship program.

Passionate about securing systems, finding vulnerabilities, and developing innovative security solutions.


Network Penetration Testing Wireless Penetration Testing Web Application Penetration Testing Malware Development Malware Analysis Reverse Engineering Exploit Development

Certifications & Achievements

Security+ (In Progress)
OSCP (In Progress)